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ImageLift is Ahead of the Curve! Google Glass

Posted May 11, 2015 in ImageLift™
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Ahead of the Curve!

Last year ImageLift became one of the first healthcare providers to use Google Glass.  Although this sparked a lot of curiosity from consumers and medical professionals at the time, many people remained skeptical. They told me Google Glass was a fad and a distraction and there were many articles written bashing the new technology.  In general, Google Glass got a lot of bad press.

It is human nature to be afraid of change and medical personnel are no different.

When I founded my practice I vowed to take advantage of any and all technology that could help my patients.  I found that Google Glass allowed me to do all sorts of tasks like training, logging, patient care look-up, etc. (hands-free no less!)

It is over a year later and Google has announced that it will deliver a second version of Google Glass for the healthcare field.  According to their data, health care is the only market where it has a potentially strong foothold.  My colleagues in other areas of medicine are finally seeing the value of it in their practice and it is really trending.

This blog post/rant is not to be childish and brag that I saw Google Glass first.  (Alright…it is a little bit….)  But the point is to shed light on the larger picture that you can relate to your own life.  My practice is growing fast and it’s because of our continual innovations and leadership in best practice. When a patient comes in for treatment, they are putting their beauty and all of their confidence in my hands.   I want to make sure that I provide the best service possible.

To understand this success you only need to ask your self one question:

Do you want a doctor that is resistant to change and relies on out-dated treatment techniques despite industry advancements…

…or do you want a doctor who is on the cutting edge of research and technology  –even finding it over a year before the rest of the medical community has?

And just for the recordLive events 2

ImageLift is also among the first to pioneer the FREE, live, interactive event.  Every week, my team and I travel across our state to deliver live events and offer free medical advice.

That’s right! No Charge!

Anyone can come and ask me about their problem areas or concerns about plastic surgery.

You would think giving away my advice for free would be bad for business but the opposite is true.  My true passion is to help patients in every way.  Usually in ways they never expect.

So the lesson is…

… It is human nature to resist change, but when you change your focus and become a proactive innovator, you receive all the rewards in life.