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Category: Health & Wellness

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The Benefits of Facial Treatments in Summer

Posted July 24, 2024

Summer is the season of sunshine, vacations, and outdoor activities. While we enjoy the warmth and longer days, our skin often bears the brunt of increased sun exposure, heat, and humidity. This makes summer an ideal time to invest in facial treatments that can rejuvenate and protect your skin. Here’s a look at the benefits […]

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Getting Ready for Summer Events: Your Guide to Cosmetic Procedures

Posted July 10, 2024

Summer is the season of weddings, pool and beach days, and various social gatherings. It’s the perfect time to reconnect with loved ones, celebrate special moments, and create core memories. If you’re considering cosmetic procedures to look and feel your best for these events, planning ahead is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to […]

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Common Myths About Sun and Skin Health DEBUNKED

Posted July 05, 2024

If we couldn’t tell by the intense heat outside, summer is in full swing! While we all love soaking up the sun, it’s essential to understand the truths about sun exposure and skin health. Myths and misinformation can lead to poor skin care choices and increase the risk of sun damage. We are debunking some […]

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How to Choose the Right Sunscreen for Your Skin Type

Posted June 28, 2024

Sunscreen is a non-negotiable part of any skincare routine, regardless of your skin type, ESPECIALLY if you’re here in the Sunshine State. However, with so many options available, selecting the right sunscreen can be overwhelming. From SPF to formulation, there are several factors to consider to ensure your skin stays protected from harmful UV rays […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Sun Protection: Why SPF is Your Best Friend

Posted June 19, 2024

Tomorrow’s the first official day of summer, so it’s time to gear up for fun in the sun! Before you head outdoors, there’s one essential item you shouldn’t leave home without – sunscreen. SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, is your best friend when it comes to safeguarding your skin against the harmful effects of the […]

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Father’s Day Special “Relaxation for Dad” | $99 Custom Facial

Posted June 12, 2024

Father’s Day is a wonderful occasion to pamper the superhero dads in our lives, and what better way to do so than with a luxurious custom facial? Our medical aesthetician, Maria, takes a professional and personable approach to her work, striving to make each patient feel as cared for, comfortable, and confident with their treatments […]

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The Best Summer Foods for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Posted May 31, 2024

Summer is the perfect time to give your diet a revamp! Incorporating more fruits, greens, and veggies not only refresh but also nourish your skin. The warm weather brings a bounty of fresh, vibrant produce that can work wonders for your complexion. Here is a list of the best summer foods to incorporate into your […]

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Healthy Habits for Glowing Skin | Diet and Lifestyle Tips from a Surgeon

Posted April 29, 2024

Glowing, radiant skin isn’t just a result of expensive skincare products and elaborate beauty routines—it starts from within. As a double board certified facial plastic surgeon, I’ve seen firsthand how diet and lifestyle can profoundly impact the health and appearance of your skin pre- and post-facelift and other procedures. Here are some expert tips from […]

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Sunscreen: The Secret to Protecting Your Skin During Summer

Posted April 03, 2024

Summer is around the corner, but it already feels like summer outside here in Florida! It’s time to soak up the warmth and enjoy the outdoors. In between the excitement of beach trips and pool days, there’s ONE key component that often gets overlooked: sunscreen! The benefits sunscreen provides are vast, so let’s discuss why […]

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