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Dr. Rich’s Recipes: His Signature Salad

Posted September 11, 2024 in Health & Wellness
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Dr. Rich’s Recipes
Recipe/Grocery List:
  • Organic blackberries 3 – 17g (in freezer)
  • Organic broccoli sprouts – 17g
  • Organic alfalfa sprouts
  • Organic collard greens
  • Organic asparagus – 50g
  • Organic kale – 30g
  • Organic romaine – 20g
  • Organic arugula – 20g
  • Organic broccoli
  • Organic frozen mixed veg (corn, peas, carrots) – 30g
  • Organic strawberries – 40g
  • Organic fajita frozen veg – 32g
  • Organic frozen mango – 17g (3 chunks)
  • Organic shiitake mushrooms – 30g
  • Organic cherry tomatoes
  • Organic blueberries – 45g
  • Organic Flax seed – 8g
  • Organic lentils – 65g
  • Organic red cabbage – 30g
  • Organic garbanzo beans – 40g
  • Organic black beans – 40g
  • 1 Organic kosher dill pickle spear – 50g
  • 5 Organic garlic olives – 30g
  • 1 Spoonful of organic garlic – 14g
  • ½ of a red onion (saran wrap if eating later)
  • ¼ of an organic fuji apple – 80g with peel (saran wrap if eating later)
  • ½ of an avocado – 50g (saran wrap if eating later)

Recipes like this are incredibly easy to make because most of the ingredients are raw, frozen, or pre-cooked, requiring minimal preparation. With a variety of organic fruits, vegetables, beans, and seeds, you can simply measure out the portions and combine them without needing any complicated cooking techniques. Frozen items like berries, mango, and mixed vegetables can go directly into the dish, while sprouts, greens, and beans can be added fresh or after a quick rinse. The only real prep involves slicing the avocado, apple, cabbage, and onion.

Another factor that makes recipes like this easy is its flexibility—most of the ingredients are readily available in organic form at grocery stores, and they can be prepped in large batches for future meals. Since there’s no precise cooking or seasoning involved (beyond the olives and pickle for flavor), it’s quick to assemble, perfect for busy days when you want something nutritious without spending much time in the kitchen. Simply gather your ingredients, measure them out, and you’re done!