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What is Liposuction and How Does it Work?

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While many people associate liposuction with the lower body such as the hips, thighs or stomach, liposuction is actually a common and effective treatment for the face as well.

In facial liposuction, fat cells are removed under the chin and jawline, which results in a much younger and thinner-looking appearance. At ImageLift™, liposuction is used in conjunction with all of our lifting procedures to help achieve a stronger jaw line and improved profile appearance. These results are incredibly effective and provide long lasting improvements.

How does it work?
Performed under local anesthesia, small incisions are made within the natural folds under the chin and jawline. Using a thin tube known as a cannula, your plastic surgeon breaks up the fat in your chin and jowls and suctions it out through the incisions. At the end of the procedure, minor sutures are used to close the incisions. Healing for this procedure is quick and most patients are back to their normal daily activities very quickly.